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Bretter der Welt ist Liebe. Meine Hass-Liebe zur Fotografie und meine wahre Liebe zu Holzbrettern. Und diese einmalige Liebesbekenntnisse finden fortan auf ihre Fortsetzung.

It took me quite a while to understand to understand that is part of Damn decisions!


Eine Wahl zu haben macht nicht immer glücklich. Scheiß drauf …

I’ve seen Mario Haas playing football in about 100 matches for Sturm Graz. Now he has left the football stage and joined us ‚ordinary people‘. Throughout his whole career he was a fantastic football player – sometimes more cheesy than a sausage, and in his best times salmon. Like this platter.


Viele Synonyme zeichnen einen Begriff als Wertvoll aus: Brotzeit, Jause, Snack, Was Schnelles für Zwischendurch, Was auf die Faust …

Once mens hunt is not existing any longer, it’s replaced by the shopping tour on the local food market. And to try the hunted goods make a day perfect. Additionally to a glas of beer.